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10 Fitness Profiles you need to follow on Instagram

10 Fitness Profiles you need to follow on Instagram

We Already Know How Most of us in Nigeria prefer stuffs that have overseas tag on them. Your fitness and wellness advice should not be the same. Get Your Fitness and wellness advice from trainers in Nigeria who know our exact conditions and food types so that you can achieve better results. I have made a countdown of 10 instagram pages owned by Nigerian Trainer.

Despite the Nigeria Economy state, prioritizing fitness and wellness is crucial for maintaining a healthy lifestyle. With the rise of social media platforms like Instagram, individuals have easy access to a wealth of fitness and wellness content. Instagram has become a hub for fitness enthusiasts, offering a platform for trainers to share their expertise and inspire others on their journey to better health.

Criteria for Selection

Selecting the top fitness and wellness trainers involves considering various factors. These include expertise in their respective fields, engagement with followers, the quality of content shared, consistency in posting, and overall impact on the community.

Top 10 Naija Fitness and Wellness Trainers on Instagram

1. miley_hart: Personal Trainer | Nutrition coach

With a focus on home workouts, @miley_hart provides accessible and effective exercise routines for individuals of all fitness levels. Their content emphasizes the importance of consistency and dedication in achieving fitness goals.

2. kemenfitness: Fitness & Wellness Expert

@kemenfitness Specializes in promoting the mind-body connection through practices such as yoga, meditation, and mindfulness. Their holistic approach to wellness encourages followers to prioritize mental well-being alongside physical fitness.

3. k8henshaw

@k8henshaw offers valuable insights into nutrition and meal preparation, helping followers make healthier food choices and adopt sustainable eating habits. Their practical tips and recipes make healthy eating enjoyable and accessible.

4. diodafitness: Fitness Trainer

@diodafitness is known for their motivational content, inspiring followers to stay committed to their fitness journey. Through uplifting messages and personal anecdotes, they empower individuals to overcome obstacles and stay focused on their goals.


Specializing in Nutrition and Weight loss training, @askdamz helps followers improve mobility, relieve tension, and enhance overall well-being. Their instructional videos cater to beginners and advanced practitioners alike, making yoga accessible to all.

6. Shedamsfitness: ᴡᴇɪɢʜᴛʟᴏꜱꜱ•ꜰɪᴛɴᴇꜱꜱ•ʟɪꜰᴇꜱᴛʏʟᴇ

@Shedamsfitness shares expertise in strength training, guiding followers through effective workouts to build muscle and increase strength. Their emphasis on proper form and technique ensures safe and efficient training sessions.

7. Gyminilorin

Promoting cardiovascular health, @gyminilorin offers a variety of cardio workouts to improve endurance and heart health. Their energetic routines make cardio exercise fun and engaging for followers.

8. allthingsfitnez: Health/beauty

allthingsfitnez advocates for holistic wellness, encompassing physical, mental, and emotional well-being. Their content covers a range of topics including nutrition, fitness, stress management, and self-care.

9. perfectroutines

@perfectroutines specializes in guiding individuals through comprehensive body transformation journeys. Their personalized approach focuses on setting realistic goals and making sustainable lifestyle changes for long-term success.

10. official_smilist: Flexibility/ Fitness trainer

@official_smilist helps followers reduce stress and cultivate mindfulness through meditation and relaxation techniques. Their calming presence and guided meditations promote inner peace and mental clarity.

Benefits of Following Top Naija Fitness and Wellness Trainers

Following these top fitness and wellness trainers on Instagram offers numerous benefits. From access to expert advice and motivational content to practical tips and workout routines, followers can gain valuable insights into improving their physical health and mental well-being. By incorporating the guidance and inspiration shared by these trainers into their daily lives, individuals can take significant strides towards achieving their fitness goals and living a healthier, happier life.


In conclusion, Instagram serves as a powerful platform for connecting with top fitness and wellness trainers who offer valuable expertise, motivation, and support to individuals seeking to improve their health and well-being. By following these Naija fitness and wellness trainers, individuals can access a wealth of resources to enhance their fitness journey and prioritize self-care.


  1. How can I determine the credibility of fitness and wellness trainers on Instagram? It’s essential to research their qualifications, expertise, and client testimonials to assess their credibility and effectiveness.
  2. Are the workout routines shared by these trainers suitable for beginners? Yes, many of these trainers cater to individuals of all fitness levels and provide modifications for beginners.
  3. Do I need any special equipment to follow the workouts recommended by these trainers? Most of the workouts can be done with minimal equipment or even just bodyweight exercises, making them accessible to everyone.
  4. How often should I engage with the content shared by these trainers? Consistency is key, so aim to engage with their content regularly to stay motivated and on track with your fitness goals.
  5. Can I contact these trainers directly for personalized advice or coaching? Some trainers offer personalized coaching services, so feel free to reach out to them through direct messages or their websites for more information.

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